Our Organizational Structure

At Blum Institute, our organizational structure is designed to champion the integration of artificial intelligence into solving real-world economic challenges. We emphasize flexibility, adaptability, and efficiency, ensuring that our specialized roles and units work synergistically towards pioneering AI research and development. Central to our structure is the inclusion of PhD candidates, the diligent management of intellectual property, and a steadfast commitment to ethical standards and data protection. By setting clear objectives for every role, from executives to lab directors, we streamline operations, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and accelerate progress. Our dedication to academic excellence, practical innovation, and ethical responsibility ensures that we remain at the forefront of AI advancements, making a tangible impact on the economic landscape.

Introducing our boards

Scientific Advisory Board at the Blum Institute Composition: The Scientific Advisory Board is formed of 5-7 distinguished academics in AI, engineering, and related fields, including both theoretical and applied sciences. Members may be drawn from leading universities, research institutions, and may include laureates and innovators recognized for their contributions to science and technology. Responsibilities: Guide the development of the Blum Institute's research agenda, setting priorities and ensuring alignment with global scientific advancements. Provide expert evaluation and feedback on research proposals and outcomes, maintaining the institute's standard of scientific excellence. Facilitate connections with the broader scientific community for collaboration and knowledge exchange. Operation: The board will hold quarterly meetings to maintain a pulse on the institute's research progression and to address emergent scientific challenges. It will also produce comprehensive reports that capture insights and recommendations for ongoing and future research initiatives. Organizational Integration: The Scientific Advisory Board will actively liaise with the various research labs and project teams at the Blum Institute, ensuring scientific rigor and innovation are at the core of all research activities. By acting as an advisory entity to the institute's leadership, the board will ensure that scientific exploration remains ethically and socially responsible while pushing the boundaries of AI research. Industry Advisory Board at the Blum Institute Composition: The Industry Advisory Board consists of 5-7 leaders from key industries, including technology, finance, manufacturing, and potentially others that are impacted by AI, like healthcare or logistics. These are senior figures who have a deep understanding of market needs and the practical application of AI technologies. Responsibilities: Analyze and interpret industry trends to guide the institute in developing research projects with practical and commercial potential. Identify opportunities for collaboration between the Blum Institute and industry partners, fostering innovation that meets market demands. Offer strategic insights to align the Blum Institute's research outputs with industry standards and expectations. Operation: Quarterly meetings will be utilized to discuss and evaluate ongoing collaborations, plan for future industry partnerships, and stay abreast of industry shifts that could impact the Blum Institute's strategic direction. Organizational Integration: The Industry Advisory Board will maintain a close dialogue with the Blum Institute's research and development units, ensuring that the transfer of technology from lab to market is smooth, efficient, and timely. As a consulting resource for the Blum Institute's executive team, the board will play a crucial role in marrying innovative AI research with real-world industrial applications, thus driving forward the institute's impact on the economy. Ethics Board at the Blum Institute Composition: The Ethics Board will consist of individuals bringing a diverse range of perspectives, including experts in ethics, civil society representatives, technologists, and a legal advisor. This may also include members from other boards or teams to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. Responsibilities: Develop and periodically review ethical guidelines for AI research and applications. Assess new and ongoing projects for their ethical implications. Ensure that research practices align with national and international ethical standards. Organize training sessions and workshops on ethical issues for the entire institute. Operation: The Ethics Board will convene regularly, aiming for quarterly meetings to manage costs effectively while maintaining oversight. It will produce quarterly reports and convene specially for reviewing significant project developments. Organizational Integration: The Ethics Board will work closely with other parts of the organization, such as IP Management and Data Management teams, to ensure that all aspects of research work are ethically sound. The board will serve as a consultative body to the CEO and executive leaders, ensuring that ethical considerations are integrated into strategic planning. The establishment of the Ethics Board demonstrates the Blum Institute’s commitment to prioritizing ethical considerations and investing in the integration of these considerations into all aspects of its work. This initiative will reinforce public trust and establish the Blum Institute as a responsible leader in AI research. All three boards - the Scientific Advisory Board, the Industry Advisory Board, and the Ethics Board - are integral to the strategic operation of the Blum Institute. Together, they provide a comprehensive framework of guidance and insights that bridge the gap between theoretical research, practical application, and ethical considerations. This tripartite advisory structure ensures that the Blum Institute not only remains at the cutting edge of AI innovation but also leads with integrity and responsiveness to societal needs. Their collaborative efforts help to steer the institute's research and development initiatives in a direction that is innovative, relevant, and ethically grounded, positioning the Blum Institute as a global leader in responsible AI research and application.

Scientific Advisory Board at the Blum Institute

Composition: The Scientific Advisory Board is formed of 5-7 distinguished academics in AI, engineering, and related fields, including both theoretical and applied sciences. Members may be drawn from leading universities, research institutions, and may include laureates and innovators recognized for their contributions to science and technology. Responsibilities: Guide the development of the Blum Institute's research agenda, setting priorities and ensuring alignment with global scientific advancements. Provide expert evaluation and feedback on research proposals and outcomes, maintaining the institute's standard of scientific excellence. Facilitate connections with the broader scientific community for collaboration and knowledge exchange. Operation: The board will hold quarterly meetings to maintain a pulse on the institute's research progression and to address emergent scientific challenges. It will also produce comprehensive reports that capture insights and recommendations for ongoing and future research initiatives. Organizational Integration: The Scientific Advisory Board will actively liaise with the various research labs and project teams at the Blum Institute, ensuring scientific rigor and innovation are at the core of all research activities. By acting as an advisory entity to the institute's leadership, the board will ensure that scientific exploration remains ethically and socially responsible while pushing the boundaries of AI research.

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Industry Advisory Board at the Blum Institute

Composition: The Industry Advisory Board consists of 5-7 leaders from key industries, including technology, finance, manufacturing, and potentially others that are impacted by AI, like healthcare or logistics. These are senior figures who have a deep understanding of market needs and the practical application of AI technologies. Responsibilities: Analyze and interpret industry trends to guide the institute in developing research projects with practical and commercial potential. Identify opportunities for collaboration between the Blum Institute and industry partners, fostering innovation that meets market demands. Offer strategic insights to align the Blum Institute's research outputs with industry standards and expectations. Operation: Quarterly meetings will be utilized to discuss and evaluate ongoing collaborations, plan for future industry partnerships, and stay abreast of industry shifts that could impact the Blum Institute's strategic direction. Organizational Integration: The Industry Advisory Board will maintain a close dialogue with the Blum Institute's research and development units, ensuring that the transfer of technology from lab to market is smooth, efficient, and timely. As a consulting resource for the Blum Institute's executive team, the board will play a crucial role in marrying innovative AI research with real-world industrial applications, thus driving forward the institute's impact on the economy.

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Ethics Board at the Blum Institute

Composition: The Ethics Board will consist of individuals bringing a diverse range of perspectives, including experts in ethics, civil society representatives, technologists, and a legal advisor. This may also include members from other boards or teams to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. Responsibilities: Develop and periodically review ethical guidelines for AI research and applications. Assess new and ongoing projects for their ethical implications. Ensure that research practices align with national and international ethical standards. Organize training sessions and workshops on ethical issues for the entire institute. Operation: The Ethics Board will convene regularly, aiming for quarterly meetings to manage costs effectively while maintaining oversight. It will produce quarterly reports and convene specially for reviewing significant project developments. Organizational Integration: The Ethics Board will work closely with other parts of the organization, such as IP Management and Data Management teams, to ensure that all aspects of research work are ethically sound. The board will serve as a consultative body to the CEO and executive leaders, ensuring that ethical considerations are integrated into strategic planning. The establishment of the Ethics Board demonstrates the Blum Institute’s commitment to prioritizing ethical considerations and investing in the integration of these considerations into all aspects of its work. This initiative will reinforce public trust and establish the Blum Institute as a responsible leader in AI research. All three boards - the Scientific Advisory Board, the Industry Advisory Board, and the Ethics Board - are integral to the strategic operation of the Blum Institute. Together, they provide a comprehensive framework of guidance and insights that bridge the gap between theoretical research, practical application, and ethical considerations. This tripartite advisory structure ensures that the Blum Institute not only remains at the cutting edge of AI innovation but also leads with integrity and responsiveness to societal needs. Their collaborative efforts help to steer the institute's research and development initiatives in a direction that is innovative, relevant, and ethically grounded, positioning the Blum Institute as a global leader in responsible AI research and application.

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Our collective strength with universities in Bosnia and the region transforms theory into practice and shapes the future of innovation.

More about Partners

The Blum Institute deeply values its partnerships with leading universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the wider region, which play a crucial role in our pursuit of innovation and academic excellence. Through these partnerships, we build bridges between academic theory and practical application, research, and industrial solutions. Our university partners bring a wealth of academic knowledge, resources, and talent to our Institute. Through joint research and development projects, we tackle complex global challenges and contribute to social and economic progress. This collaboration allows us access to the latest technological innovations and facilitates the exchange of best practices in our field. Advanced studies, student exchanges, and joint training programs are just some of the ways our university partners enhance our academic programs and research capabilities. Their support through expert faculty, infrastructure, and access to global networks positions us as leaders in our field. The Blum Institute takes pride in its long-term partnerships with renowned universities in Bosnia and the region, which not only strengthen our mission but also bolster our global presence and influence. These relationships are crucial to our growth and development strategy, creating lasting value for our students, researchers, and industrial partners. Through partnerships with universities, we continue to set standards of excellence in education and research, shaping a sustainable future of innovation and academic excellence worldwide.

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